Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bummer Thursday

Class this week has been awesome! Up in my weights and feeling better than good. I have to kick the soda habit thou because it makes me muscles sad face. Today is Thursday which is my rest day and that sucks. I feel good and want to work out so maybe if I get off work before too late we will be able to make that happen. 5 more body sculpt classes before the big move.... Now I just have to get through these next few weeks and keep with it! Rock on everybody! And remember if it ain't hurtin it ain't workin!!!


Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Fun Day

Today was fabulous! Class was something else. It was just pyramid after pyramid of ass whooping awesomeness. My bench weight is now 12lbs per arm and same with my flies. I think I sweat a whole tub of water but it felt good! Tomorrow is a day of rest and then shooting for Sunday morning yoga. Just remember to do something, it doesn't have to be everything. Just have fun and work hard!

Get some

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Got fired numerous times today

Today did not include a traditional workout but I did move lawn furniture for 3 hours so... My hamstring is healing up nicely but I am definitely feeling the workout in my shoulders like crazy! Tomorrow we move more furniture but we do break up our day with another body sculpt class. It's gonna hurt like hell but I guess when it hurts is when you get stronger so bring on the pain baby! Have a great day and remember no matter how fast you go your still lapping everyone on the couch. And even if you don't have time to fit in a conventional workout there is always time to fit in a short walk or at least something. Keep up the great work. Until next time I'm signing off!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Just because you have an idea doesn't make it a good one...

I had a kick ass body sculpt class today. It was hard as hell but after Monday's class it felt like a walk in the park. My triceps are still screaming and my body is begging for more water but ill get there. After class and before work I decided it would be fun to try to do handstands and cartwheels. It was fun but it was not the brightest idea I've ever had. I pulled my hammy, so now my left leg has a pulled hip flexor and a pulled hamstring. I feel like part gimp. I'm gonna try to rest it as much as possible but tomorrow holds an ass ton of moving lawn furniture into storage, so we will see how that goes! Have a great day. Avoid injuries that are easily prevented and keep on keeping on.


Thursday, October 11, 2012


Woke up this morning thinking it was more of a nap kind of day. But around 1630 I decided that I needed to get a good workout in so that I could feel better... My SIL said that she was subbing a kicking cardio class... It was all arms, punching and whoop ass! I am glad that I went because it mixed it up and it definitely lets out stress when your beating the shit out of a dummy. I definitely recommend it to anyone. Anyways... Keeping on kickin! -FS1

P.S. In love

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Routine, routine, routine

Getting back on a routine is killer. I went to Body Sculpt and let me tell you.. I have NEVER sweat so much in my whole life! I'm not sore now thou. I have kept my weights up and it feels great. My goal at this point is to be down another 20lbs by Christmas! It will be the first time I have ever weighed less than my husband, so wish me luck and if your on it just keep on trucking! They say no matter how slow you go you are still lapping everyone on the couch.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Been Gone Too Long

So as you may have figured I, FS1, stopped working out. Well I fell off the wagon there for a little while but I am back 19lbs lighter and loving it. I don't know when it was that I started up again but that doesn't matter, the only this that matters is that I am in it to win it... Haha. I took a week off of weights but I did see basically all of DC in 3 hours... So that has to count for something! Tomorrow I go back to my mid week ass whooping handed to me on a golden platter by my fantastic sister in law instructor. I will probably want to cry and I will definitely feel muscles I didn't know existed. But it is all worth it because I am seeing results; a little bicep muscle and down two jean sizes whoop, whoop! Well I am headed to bed so I can catch up on some shut eye but thanks for reading. It feels good to be back!!
